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All Hallows Eve Page 14

  James searched the crowd. He still didn’t see us. I rose onto my tiptoes and, for whatever reason, I found myself searching the crowd, too. Maybe it was a gut feeling. Maybe it was my witchy senses.

  I saw Olivia first.

  She looked confused - strikingly beautiful in her ballerina costume - but definitely bewildered. She was pointing at the costume finalists’ circle. She said something to the man next to her.

  An enormous man. With a familiar muscular build. His hair was jet back. The long ponytail was secured at the base of his neck. He had on a red, white and green Mexican wrestling mask, the kind that covers the entire head. I couldn’t see his face, but I didn’t need to. I’d know that frame anywhere.

  Gabriel Vega was in Hazel Cove.

  Olivia wasn’t pointing randomly to the circle of costumed finalists. She was pointing directly at James.


  I cupped my hands and shouted across the mass of people between us. “JAAAMES!”

  James’ head snapped in my direction. Unfortunately, so did the rest of the crowd, including Gabriel Vega. It probably wasn’t the most brilliant idea, but I didn’t know what else to do. Gabriel was here for James, which meant the Halloween party was over and things were about to get serious. Surely, Gabriel wouldn’t do anything drastic in front of so many people. Would he?


  Gabriel pushed a woman down in front of him. His tree trunk arms landed on the side of a man’s neck as he shoved him to the patio, too. Olivia jumped back. Gabriel leaped off the stairs and through the crowd en route to his prize bounty.

  “Oh, shit,” Peter said from behind me.

  James followed my line of sight to Gabriel. His mouth dropped open, but only for a second. The slack jaw hardened to stone. He flexed his shoulders. He wanted to fight and that absolutely couldn’t happen. Gabriel was too strong. Too powerful.

  I dove headfirst into the crowd with Peter on my heels. I had to get to James. A million things ran through my mind. Gabriel was in Hazel Cove. Manhattan, okay. New Orleans, fine. But around the people I loved? I had to get him away from here.

  That was my game plan - protect James and lead Gabriel away.

  Dr. Cooper looked bewildered. He stood on the stepladder as the party danced on the verge of chaos. People nervously glanced around as the giant man split the seam of the crowd. No one seemed sure of what was happening. They couldn’t determine whether this was part of the party or not.

  Gabriel and I were simultaneously bulldozing our way toward James. He knocked people to the ground. I snaked my way around the guests, which wasn’t easy because of the angel wings. Gabriel’s way was considerably more effective and I wasn’t sure if I could make it to James before he did.

  I waved my hands in the air like a lunatic. “James, run!”

  He either ignored me or couldn’t hear me over the erupted commotion of the crowd.

  Gabriel’s right arm rose from his side.

  At that exact moment, a shot of white hot pain exploded in my back like a bullet. For a moment, I thought I’d been shot. I arched my back forward to compensate for the detonation of pain radiating through my kidneys.

  The thick arm leveled over the crowd of people. Gabriel was going to shoot a fireball in front of everyone.

  I did the only thing I could think of to protect James and the others. I screamed. “Get down! He’s got a gun!”

  Few words in the English dictionary can effectively disperse a mob of people. The word ‘gun’ was high on that list. People scattered in a frenzied panic to get as far away from Gabriel as possible.

  I kept one eye on Gabriel and one on James. Peter ran beside me. His fluid stride looked effortless in the commotion.

  “Where’s Anne Marie? The twins? Sadie?”

  “I don’t know,” Peter said. “We have to get Gabriel away from here.”

  Gabriel peeled the wrestling mask from his face and flung it to the ground. His olive skin glistened with sweat. His jaws clenched and a bright orange fireball exploded from his open palm.

  Guests screamed.

  “He’s armed!”

  “Get down! He’s shooting!”

  The fireball sailed through the air. James ducked to the grass. The ball of energy whizzed over his head and exploded into Dr. Cooper’s shed.

  “Peter, keep everyone back! I’ll lead Gabriel away from here.”

  He threw me a look.

  “Please,” I begged.

  He slammed on his breaks and pulled an older woman off the ground.

  “Gabriel! It’s me. Over here! Remember what I did to Donovan?” I waved my arms at him. “I bet you haven’t taken the subway lately.”

  Gabriel’s thick neck swiveled in my direction.

  “Come and get me!” I turned on my heel. “James! Now!” I dashed for the fence and cleared the fake tombstones like a hurdler. This wasn’t my first graveyard chase.

  James lifted from his crouch like a track star and darted toward me. I leaped over a final tombstone and took the fence at a full sprint. I dug my hands and feet into the boards and plunged over the fence.

  A fireball exploded through the pine. Shards of wood rained over me. James climbed the fence and fell to the grass.

  “I can’t see a damn thing with this stupid mask.” James threw off the Captain America mask.

  “I’ve never been a big fan of masks.”

  “Do you have a plan?”

  I shook my head. “No, you?”

  Another fireball destroyed a section of the fence. We ran through the neighbor’s lawn and out into the empty street. We were on Apple Orchard Road - not too far from my old house. A loud crash sounded behind us and I was pretty sure Gabriel decided to go through the fence as opposed to climbing over it.

  “He sounds pissed,” James said.

  “Maybe I went too far with the subway train comment.”

  “Probably a little.” James’ dimples cut deep holes in his cheeks. “Feels like old times, huh? Running for our lives from some maniac?”

  “I thought tomorrow night was going to be eventful.”

  A fireball disintegrated the mailbox a few feet from James.

  “That’s our cue to run. Which way? Right or left?” James said.

  “Left!” We ran down the teepeed street. Toilet paper hung from the trees in most of the yards. Early Devil Night pranks. Hopefully, the teenagers were long gone. A black Escalade was parked in the street about four houses down. There wasn’t anywhere else to hide, so we dashed behind the SUV just as Gabriel Vega sauntered out into the road.

  James kneeled beside me. “How’s that plan coming?”

  “You can’t rush brilliance.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  I lowered my cheek to the pavement to see under the Escalade. Gabriel’s black boots were about seventy-five yards away. He didn’t know where we were hiding, but it was only a matter of time. He would find us. Or he’d keep looking. Even if we somehow escaped unharmed tonight, it was pointless. Gabriel would keep coming. And if I didn’t survive tomorrow’s sacrifice, then I wouldn’t be around to defend James. I had to end this. Now.

  “I have a plan,” I said.

  Something moved behind us. I whirled around, but the figure was already on top of us. I raised my palm.

  “Don’t shoot me!”

  “Olivia?” I hissed.

  She crouched to the pavement beside James.

  “What in the hell are you doing here?”

  “He’s after James,” Olivia said.

  “No shit,” I said.

  James peeked around the bumper. “He’s getting closer.”

  “Who is he?” Olivia asked.

  “A hunter,” I said. “Is it not obvious?”

  “But he has magic. I saw him shoot one of those fire-bullet things.”

  “He’s a witch, too, which makes this situation worse.” I took another peek. Forty yards away.

  “Why is he after James?”

  I looke
d up at Olivia. “Really? Now? You want the full story? Would you like to prop up your feet and get comfortable while I tell it?”

  “I want to know what’s going on.”

  “Gabriel is after James because of his association to me. Okay? Are you happy? This giant ogre wants to kill James because of me.”

  Olivia pressed her lips together.

  I checked under the car again. “You better be glad I’m about to fight this guy, because if I wasn’t, I’d be kicking your ass right now. I saw you point out James to Gabriel.”

  “I didn’t know who he was! He told me he was looking for James Van Curen. He said he was a friend of his dad’s,” Olivia said. “How was I supposed to know?”

  James clamped a hand around my wrist. “Wait. Why did you just say you were going to fight Gabriel?”

  “Because I am.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Yes, I am.” I unclenched James’ fingers from my wrist. “This ends tonight. I’m tired of looking over our shoulders. Gabriel isn’t going to stop. Ever.”

  “I can help.” Olivia’s eyes flickered to James.

  I made a face.

  “What? I have magic, too,” Olivia said. “Remember?”

  “We don’t have time for games.”

  “I’m not playing games. I can help. I gave you a pretty good fight in the girls’ bathroom.”

  “Why on Earth would you want to help me?”

  “I don’t want to help you.” Olivia glanced away. “I want to help James.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You have no idea what we’re up against. Both of you stay here. I mean it.”

  “Alex,” James said.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said.

  “I’m going, too.”

  I cupped my hands on his face. I’d beg him if I had to. “James, you can’t take him on. Please stay here.”

  “Alex, don’t do this.”

  “Promise me you’ll stay here.”

  James’ chest heaved.

  “We don’t have time to argue,” I said. “He’s coming. Please. Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  I kissed James on his cheek. Right smack on one of his dimples. I’d always wanted to do that. “I love you. If anything happens to me, tell Peter that I lo-”

  “You’ll be right back.” James’ face softened. “No need for goodbyes.”

  I turned to Olivia.

  “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll keep him safe.”

  I strolled out into the street. The gas lanterns were lit and the moon was perfectly round overhead. Gabriel methodically checked every nook and cranny as he made his way down the street toward the Escalade.

  “Hi, there, Mr. Vega,” I said. “How are you enjoying Hazel Cove?”

  Gabriel shot a fireball.

  A bigger, green fireball ejected out of my palm and smashed into his smaller orange fireball, causing both balls of energy to bounce back at him.

  Gabriel glided to the side.

  “I take it you don’t want to small talk.” I motioned with my hand.

  A wheelbarrow sitting next to a garage flew through the air. Gabriel jumped back as it crashed to his feet. A surge of wind blew in from the west. It scattered the leaves and rattled the tree limbs. Clouds appeared overhead and blocked out the giant moon. The temperature dropped.

  “This is pointless.” I walked toward him. “You can’t beat me. I’m stronger than you. You’re only a half breed.”

  I’d never used the derogatory term before, but a nasty anger was rising inside of me. I was tired of fighting. How dare Gabriel show up in Hazel Cove? On my birthday? On possibly my last night on this earth? How dare he ruin the precious little time I had left with my friends?

  Thunder crackled in the sky. The wind increased and my hair blew violently around my face. Street lanterns exploded.

  “You can’t have James. I won’t allow it.”

  I shot another fireball, but it whizzed by his ear. He was no longer advancing toward me. He took a step back - he was retreating. But I couldn’t let him do that either. This had to end tonight.

  A siren wailed in the distance. The police would be here soon.

  “I didn’t mean to kill your brother,” I said. “I swear. It was an accident and I’m sorry. But I can’t let you hurt James.” I stalked forward. “I don’t know what else to do. It’s your life or James’ life and he isn’t dying on my watch.”

  Lightning struck the pavement between us. The wind howled. My eyelids fluttered. My fingertips went numb as the power radiated out of me. The echo of my heartbeat drummed in my ears and I pushed the anger at him. I shoved the rage directly at Gabriel.

  He stopped his retreat. His shoulders bent inward, like he’d been punched in the gut. His eyes squeezed shut. Blood leaked from his nose and he cradled his head in his hands. I took a step closer. This was it. This was the end of Gabriel Vega.

  A searing pain exploded in my frontal lobe. The jolt of unexpected pain crashed my concentration. White hot flames smothered my thoughts. Oh God. Not now.

  The wind stopped. The clouds drifted away to reveal the large yellow moon.

  The transformation pain was unbearable. My hands flew to my head in a mirror of Gabriel’s pain not moments before. I staggered back and crashed into a broken street lamp.

  It only took a second, but Gabriel capitalized on the opportunity. He shook his head like a dog. Blood droplets sprayed over the cement, but instead of coming after me and finishing me off, he ran past me.

  Right at James.

  I reached for him as he darted past, but the pain was blinding. Flashes of light danced in front of my eyes and continued after I squeezed them shut. I slid to the ground.

  Gabriel ran to the Escalade. He knew where Olivia and James were hiding, because they both cried out when I went down. This was it. James couldn’t defend himself from magic and Gabriel was too strong for Olivia.

  I crawled forward on my hands and knees. The glass from the broken lantern sliced my palms, but I didn’t care. I had to help them.

  Gabriel reached the back door of the SUV. He widened his attack circle as he came around the back bumper. He raised his palm like a loaded gun, which was exactly what it was.

  Olivia ran out from behind the Escalade. She looked frail and delicate next to him - her pink leotard and tutu were a contradictory vision beside the hulking Gabriel. Olivia pointed her hand at him, but she didn’t react fast enough.

  He didn’t use magic - just sheer brute force. His arms lunged forward like a viper. It was so quick that I almost didn’t see it.


  Gabriel twisted her head and snapped her tiny neck with one fluid movement.


  Olivia crumbled to the pavement.

  Gabriel didn’t spare a glance. He’d murdered an innocent girl and didn’t bat an eyelash.

  I staggered to my feet. The pain had moved to my leg and shimmied up my spine. James appeared from behind the Escalade. His dark eyes fell to Olivia’s lifeless body.

  “You want me?” James said. “Then do it man to man. No magic.”

  Gabriel’s back was to me, but his cheeks lifted. He was smiling.

  “James! No!” I clutched my stomach. The fire burned through my belly and up to my lungs, scorching me from the inside.

  Gabriel flexed his shoulders and balled his right hand into a meaty fist, but James reacted first. He tackled Gabriel at the waist. James threw all of his weight into the move, but it barely budged the giant witch hunter.

  Gabriel staggered back two steps, but hammered both fists into James’ back.

  James dropped to his knees.

  I was on my feet now, despite the flames riding through my bloodstream. White hot searing pain consumed my organs. Unbearable blinding pain. I wanted to shoot a fireball at Gabriel, but I couldn’t focus.

  Gabriel pulled his arm back and delivered another blow to James. This time to the side of his head.

  I exhaled. F

  Somehow despite the beating, James reared up and swung upward. His fists landed deep in Gabriel’s stomach and the hunter doubled over. James swiftly brought his knee to Gabriel’s chin with a sickening crack. Gabriel’s head snapped back, but James didn’t relent. He punched Gabriel in the head twice.

  Gabriel collided against the back of the Escalade. He bounced to his feet and raised his palm. Sweat manifested on his forehead. Veins in his neck bulged as he concentrated on conjuring a fireball.

  I ran.

  Faster than I’d ever run before. I wasn’t focused enough to conjure my own fireball, so I didn’t chance it. I had valuable seconds and I couldn’t waste them.

  I launched myself at Gabriel’s back. My arms wrapped around his thick neck and I squeezed his throat with all of my strength. The anger that had been simmering near the surface, exploded. Rage. Hate. Pure fury went hand in hand with the colossal pain that radiated through my body. It was a frenzied attack. I clawed at his eyes and his face. I pounded my fists into his flesh. I yanked his hair.

  I’d stunned him, but only for a second.

  Powerful hands tried to fling me off, but I held on for dear life. He tore at my angel’s wings. He grabbed my arm and threw me over his shoulder, slamming me to the ground. My back smashed against the concrete and a fresh set of raw pain filtered through my bones.

  Gabriel turned to James, but I’d had enough. From my back, I pointed both of my hands at him and unleashed an ear piercing scream.

  I don’t know what happened.

  Whatever it was, it was stronger and more efficient than my brain bleed trick.

  Stronger than anything I’d ever done. More brutal. More deadly.

  Gabriel froze. His eyes flickered toward me and his face twisted in agony. And that was it. He didn’t have time to scream or thrash about. He didn’t have time to bleed out. It was the most anti-climactic witch moment I’d ever had.

  Gabriel fell to the cement.

  My fury and pain were gone, just as quickly as they had come.

  “Is he dead?” James asked.

  “I’m not sure.” I licked my lips.

  I cautiously approached Gabriel like a gazelle approaching a sleeping lion. Or perhaps I was the lion? I placed two fingers on Gabriel’s neck and searched for a pulse that I knew couldn’t be there.